Succession Stories With Laurie Barkman

Jul 7, 2023 | Newsletter, Webinars

When selling your business, it’s the net number that counts. Succession Stories host Laurie Barkman focuses on tax strategies to consider when selling a business and speaks with two colleagues from Wessel & Company, a regional tax and accounting firm in Pennsylvania- Joel Valentine, President and CEO, and Christopher Weir, Partner. Wessel provides corporate tax, business valuations, mergers and acquisitions, and ESOP advisory services. For anyone thinking about selling in the future, the advice is to treat your business like it’s for sale every day. In a transaction, we want to maximize the top number and also maximize after-tax proceeds. After all, it’s the net number that counts.

Listen in to learn more about:

  • Ways to minimize the tax burden of selling a business and maximize overall value.
  • Strategies to consider when selling a business
  • Minimizing post-transaction tax obligations
  • Differences between reviewed and audited financials
  • How businesses can benefit from ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plans) as an ownership succession planning tool

For show notes and sponsors, please click here.

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