Relief for Taxpayers Struggling With Tax Debts

Feb 3, 2021 | Newsletter

Relief for Taxpayers Struggling With Tax Debts

While there have always been payment options available from the IRS to help taxpayers struggling to pay tax debts, the new IRS Taxpayer Relief Initiative was put into place to expand these options and offer relief during the pandemic. These revised COVID-related collection procedures will help taxpayers, especially those who have a record of filing their returns and paying their taxes on time.

These types of relief are not automatic. Taxpayers need to request payment relief by contacting the number on their balance due notice or responding in writing.

Highlights of the Taxpayer Relief Initiative

  • Taxpayers who qualify for a short-term payment plan may now have up to 180 days to resolve their tax liabilities instead of 120 days.
  • The IRS is offering flexibility for some taxpayers who are temporarily unable to meet the payment terms of an accepted Offer in Compromise.
  • The IRS will automatically add certain new tax balances to existing Installment Agreements for individual and business taxpayers who have gone out of business.
  • Certain qualified individual taxpayers who owe less than $250,000 may set up Installment Agreements without providing a financial statement if their monthly payment proposal is sufficient.
  • Some individual taxpayers who only owe for the 2019 tax year and owe less than $250,000 may qualify to set up an Installment Agreement without a notice of federal tax lien filed by the IRS.
  • Qualified taxpayers with existing Direct Debit Installment Agreements may be able to use the Online Payment Agreement system to propose lower monthly payment amounts and change their payment due dates.

If you owe taxes to the IRS, don’t hesitate to contact the office about your options. Help is just a phone call away.

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