Non-Profit Board Training

Jan 11, 2024 | NFP, Webinars

10 Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards

We will dive into the list of responsibilities of board members in nonprofit organizations as recommended by industry leader BoardSource. These best practices will help ensure a balance in governance between the board of directors and senior management.


Nonprofit Finance 101

Understanding financial statements, audit reports, and tax returns can be difficult and complex. Nonprofit organizations also bring about their unique complexities. This session will help simplify nonprofit finances so that you can ask the right questions to ensure your organization is healthy and ready to carry out its mission.


Nonprofit Industry Update and Outlook

We’ll share our insights on what we are seeing in our nonprofit client base and the industry as well as take a look to 2024 and trends that could be impacting your nonprofit in the near future.


Independent Contractors: Classify Carefully

Independent Contractors: Classify Carefully

Many businesses use independent contractors to help keep their costs down and provide flexibility for short-term needs. But the question of whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor is complex. Be careful that your independent contractors are...

5 Strategies for Improving Collections

5 Strategies for Improving Collections

Businesses that operate in the retail or restaurant spheres have it relatively easy when it comes to collections. They generally take payments right at a point-of-sale terminal and customers go on their merry way. For other types of companies, it’s not so easy....

Renting to Family Members

Renting to Family Members

As rents continue to rise in many areas, you may decide to help your financially challenged family members by renting a property to them at a discount. But this can lead to the loss of significant tax deductions. Here's a look at the tax treatment that applies when...

HSAs Can Be Powerful Retirement Saving Tools

HSAs Can Be Powerful Retirement Saving Tools

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are tax-advantaged savings vehicles for funding health care expenses not covered by insurance. And for those in relatively good health, they also may serve as attractive retirement savings vehicles. To be eligible to contribute, an...